Posted on 7/17/2018

Maintenance Checklist for Highschool Students Make sure your ride to school isn't full of false starts or stressful breakdowns this year, check the following and have your car ready for a great school year: 1. Essential Fluid Levels and Condition You should have your local mechanic check all the essential fluids in your car. A few of the fluids to pay particular attention to are the: motor oil, radiator fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, air conditioning coolant and windshield wiper fluid. Some of these are simple enough to check on your own at home (for example wiper fluid), however many require a technician (such as the coolant). Making sure your fluids are up to date, will make sure that whatever you put your car through it will get you to where you need to go. If the fluids run low or out, the car could stop running, become damaged or very diff ... read more